February 16, 2009

Thank you for your prayers!

Our family is on the mend now. Elliott was still having some loose BM (day #5) the poor little guy. Josiah still does not have his apatite back, but is loving the fact that he is getting soda, and juice to drink. Steve is feeling much better, we had our first real dinner together since the sickness struck Tuesday night. We had been eating random things for dinner, like oat meal, or crackers, or fruit. We had an adventure today! The key broke when Steve went to lock the front gate, and we were just going to go to the park near our house. We ended up playing at the park for a little bit, going to get another key made, buying our water for the week, and paying our bills. We are the only ones in this city with keys to our house, so we just made an "adventure" out of it, and the kids thought it was great! We were thankful the key shop was open! Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday afternoon, praising God!

Becky, for the Diems

1 comment:

Kim said...

So glad you're feeling better! Having dealt with the tummy issues off and on the whole time we've been here, I can sympathize! I've lost about 25 lbs. -- and could stand to lose another 20 but would prefer to do it in a healthier manner :-)